Nothing gets deleted on the internet – know this

Great article and something we should all remember.

Live to Write - Write to Live

I’ve recently been reminded of that all-powerful law of the internet which is: nothing gets deleted.


Careful- things could blow up in your face It could blow up in your face

Even if you delete something you’ve written, someone somewhere has probably made a copy of it, or commented on it, or referenced it somewhere else. Trust me, it’s still out there.

And don’t even get me started about backup and cached copies. Information lives on.

In some ways this can work to your benefit. You have proof that you were on one side of an argument, or that you came up with an idea first (thanks to time stamps), but (and that should really be a large “BUT”) here’s where it can bite you in the butt –  the internet is not the place to take your petty arguments and your insecurities.

Especially if you are trying to establish a writer’s platform.

Witness the Lynn Shepard…

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