Writer Problems #2 – questions


I ask a lot of questions.

Dare I say it?  I may sometimes ask too many questions.  I am most at risk of asking too many questions if: I’m interested in the topic, the person is interesting, we have an excellent banter thing going on (then I might start asking ridiculous questions because I’m enjoying our conversation way too much), or I have had way too much coffee.

And then well, I may pepper you with questions.

I blame this on the curiosity that comes with being a writer.  I believe that asking questions is how you can better understand the world and how other’s experience it.  Asking questions is how you get all those extra bits of information that make a story or an experience come into focus.  And asking questions is how you get to hear those random, incredible, and crazy stories that everyone has.  It’s how you can relate to people, hope to gain insight into someone’s point of view, and get the tiniest of glimpses into how other people think.  All of this is so important in not only being a person on this planet (and you know – being aware of other people and their needs, wants, hopes, dreams, fears)…it’s also important in being a writer.  After all, without asking questions, how can you ever hope to create characters that are different from you?

So, go out there and ask questions.  You don’t have to be a reader or a writer to learn about something or someone new.  You’ll be surprised at what strange and interesting things people have to share.  You know – there’s a whole world out there, and that random person next to you just might have a key to a place you never even imagined.

But, don’t be creepy about it.  And try not to ask the girl with a massive cup of coffee in her hand too many questions…she may after all, end up questioning you. 😉

6 thoughts on “Writer Problems #2 – questions

    • Agreed! 🙂 But – only in a novel, sometimes misinterpretation can be useful for a side drama…though I think it’s tricky to write a misunderstanding well and have a reader enjoy it.


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