Sweet treats for writers

Since NaNoWriMo is around the corner, I’ve decided to compile a list of goodies for writers.  Feel free to add any ideas in the comments, as I’m always looking for gift ideas for my writer friends (and, if I’m completely honest, for myself). πŸ™‚

1. Tools – I know that most people do a majority of their writing electronically, but many of us love the old fashioned tools.  I love fancy pens and I have a whole relationship with my moleskine notebooks.  If your writer is a big nerd like me, a vintage type writer or vintage typewriter accessories! Yes, please! 

2. Editorial services – Any writer who has a finished product needs an editor.  The longer and more complex the product, the more we need an editor.  I recently paid for a developmental edit from Writer’s Digest critique and editing services, and it was worth it.  You don’t have to use them, but be sure to use a reputable editor as these services tend to be pricey.

3. Food & libations – Starving artists, it’s a thing.  I swear, I’m always hungry.  Over the years I’ve gotten some pretty sweet treats from friends (and from myself) including:

Book Cookies – a friend made these for me and I loved these so much that I took pictures to remember them!

 And of course coffee and tea related swag from Etsy. Here are some of my favorites

4. Literary themed cookbooks – these are so much fun. My favorites are Maya Angelou’s cookbook and Literary cocktail recipes

5. Random cute stuff on Etsy like Writing signsWriting jewelry, or a Writer tshirt. There are so many cute ideas out there

6. Beware the “how to” books – this really depends on the author. Some writers are not fans of how to books, and instead get tips from magazine, blogs, writer communities, and other online resources. But there are some really good books out there, like my absolute favorite – Stephen King’s On Writing. But again, be careful in giving advice books when not specifically asked for.  

And finally:  Moral support. This is the most important. Love your writer, pet your writer, tell them to keep at it, and if they ask you to read something, please do it.  But whatever you do, don’t stress the word still  in the following sentence: “you’re still writing that same story?”  Actually, now that I think about it, you probably shouldn’t put an emphasis on any of the words in that sentence. It may make your writer cranky and in need of the aforementioned treats.

11 thoughts on “Sweet treats for writers

  1. Home run, Leesha! I never thought of writing in terms of the support system that fuels the creative process and refines it. It was just part of the process. But now I see a little more focus and extended creativity can keep the fun and the words flowing. I do have a 1946 Royal typewriter that types like the day it was born and of course, everything goes in a Moleskine first before the keys are struck. The encouragement I receive most for my effort is, “how will you be able to pay the bills?” To which I answer, “I’ll keep my day job – for now.” Coffee and balance are essential. Oh, and how is your archery progressing?

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